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shenzhen lini technology co.ltd

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speaker,bicycle sound
speaker,bicycle sound
Specification: SA-333
Detail: TF card reader function TF卡读卡功能; surport MP3 player ,metallic appearance 支持MP3播放功能,金属外壳 LED light display LED灯显示

speaker, radio,
speaker, radio,
Specification: SA-999
Detail: u disk,SD card reader function U盘及SD卡读卡功能; surport MP3 player and FM支持MP3播放及收音功能 LED light display LED灯显示 headphone output function耳机输出

mini speaker,lighting speaker
mini speaker,lighting speaker
Specification: SA-666
Detail: TF card reader function TF卡读卡功能; surport MP3 player and 3D FM radio支持MP3播放及3D FM收音功能 high-capacity battery long play高容量电池超长播放 glare and long-distanc...
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